“Installation Over A Hard Surface…” Warning Label



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Product Description

Surfacing Warning Label (version B) (2.5″ x 2.5″ complies with ASTM #F1487-11, Section 14.2.5.  This label will inform, warn, and educate about the hazard of play equipment located over hard surfaces. The purpose of this label is to serve as a constants reminder and maintain appropriate surfacing.









Below is information about warnings that must be placed on your playground.

Labels help supervisors and parents so that they are informed of hazards to protect their children. If unsure of the “best” locations to place labels, call for assistance and/or install more labels. If there is more than one way to enter the swing set, then labels must be placed so that at all ingress points you can see labeling. It is the responsibility of the owner operator to determine the amount of labels needed, type of label, placement of labels, and maintenance of labels, so that labels are visible before use of equipment. You as the owner operator are the best to decide what you need for your particular playground. Please decide which labels are more appropriate for your particular playground. 

Self-Stick Warning and Information Labels Conform To The Following:

ASTM #F1487-11 Standards regarding signs & labels; CPSC Guidelines #325 (2010 version);ANSI Standards (Z535 series) for warning and information labels in recreation settings. APPLICABLE LAWS. By signs and labels being even suggested in the CPSC Guidelines and ASTM Standards, it then makes it not only law to follow (where the rules have been adopted into law), but also the “Standard of Care” to provide them for the safety of the children.

NOTE: CPSC Section 2.2.7 says “Supervisors should look for posted signs indicating the appropriate age of the users”. Posting a sign or label is the ONLY way that the “message is conveyed” to users and supervisors on the playground. 

1.   ALL LABELS must be placed so that users and supervisors can see them from any direction that they approach the  playground. For open playgrounds (non-fenced), labels can be placed on the equipment itself SUCH AS in a triangulated configuration (6:00, 10:00, & 2:00) for the playground and equipment so that the labels are seen upon approach from any direction. For fenced-in playgrounds, most labels can be placed near or at the entry/entries on a freestanding post at adult eye level (see “AGE GROUP labels” and “Tot Seat Age Group” for important information below). In all cases, labels must be placed at adult eye level (except for Surfacing Level Markers, see instructions below). Consider covering labels with clear hard plastic to prohibit vandalism and to make them stay on surfaces that may be difficult to stick to. Use round headed screws that are not sharp. 

2.  TOT SEAT AGE GROUP labels) If tot seats share a swing STRUCTURE with other types of seats (tot seats are kept in their own separate BAY as required by CPSC), then place the tot seat labels on the outer legs nearest the tot seats (located in the end bay(s)). The age labels for the other seats (see info below) go on the outer legs nearest those seats. If tot and belt seats are in adjacent bays, never install the label(s) on the center legs as that could confuse caregivers as to which ages apply to which seats. Multiple bays with tot and belt seats (for example) will need the tot seats to be in the outer bay(s). Tot seat age group labels oftentimes are not able to be installed at the entry/entries to the playground since the other age ranges are “6 – 23 months” “2-5”, “2-12” or “5-12” for the rest of the equipment, so install the Tot labels on the equipment as noted. 

3.  AGE GROUP labels) follow instructions provided in #1 above. Always follow the recommendations for the age range of users for specific components according to the manufacturer, ASTM, and CPSC. If there are different ages allowed or intended for a playground (i.e., tot seats as mentioned above, or different equipment for different ages), then the age ranges of 6 – 23 months, 2-5, 5-12, and 2-12 should be placed on each piece of equipment as it applies and is allowed by ASTM & CPSC. If you have a playground that allows ONLY 2-5 year olds, for example, then ONE “2-5” age group label can be at the entry/entries to the playground. 

4.  SURFACING LEVEL MARKER labels are for equipment that has loose fill surfacing only. These labels ALERT MAINTENANCE STAFF to fluff and/or add surfacing when it gets low (as long as the surfacing is not deteriorated, moldy, etc.)! We recommend that you install at least one for every other support post. Install these labels onto the posts at the MINIMUM level where the loose fill surfacing is supposed to be so it is maintained ABOVE that marker. You must consider the Fall Height designated by the manufacturer, ASTM, and CPSC for each unit so the surfacing is maintained above the line on the labels. We find that the SURFACING CHART in the CPSC Guidelines is the most reliable method for determining minimum surfacing depths once you know the Fall Heights. 


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